As you might have noticed courts are ready to be used, nets, wind screens are up so head out and start enjoying the game.
Junior sign ups are going very well so far, but there are still sessions available to get the kiddos enrolled. If the times and days scheduled are a conflict for you, please reach out, and I maybe able to add an additional session. Also, something to consider is setting up your own group of 4-6 kids, and we can schedule a time separate from the sessions. Family lessons are also very popular, so just reach out to me with any inquiries.
Adult Tennis: Still waiting on a bit more feedback to see what days and times work best for the majority of those that are interested. I am hoping to do two to three options per week for both the 2.5- 3.5-, and the 3.5+ – 4.5 levels. So far the Saturday morning drill looks like a sure thing, from 9:30-11:00, hoping to start May 18th weather permitting (I am out of town with golf team May 11th). Please let me know if you would like a spot on the 18th. Look for an email specifically about adult tennis soon with more details on weekly drills.
Looking forward to a marvelous May, as well as the rest of the season, once again any questions you can reach me and or 651-246-1662.