The Women’s Golf Group jumped right in to competition in August with our Women’s Senior Club Championship August 1st and 2nd. Congratulations to our Gross Winners: 1st Place – Kathleen Callahan; 2nd Place – Sue Ryan and out Net Winners: 1st Place Maggie Batten; 2nd Place Kitty Considine.
Our Formal Women’s Guest day was August 7th. We had a fun theme, Margaritaville, and a wonderful day planned, however rain caused us to cut our round short. Regardless of the storm, our spirits weren’t dampened as we enjoyed fun company, beverages and a wonderful buffet! Fortunately the weather cleared for our Women’s Club Championship August 8th & 9th following are the results:
Championship Flight: 1st Place – Olivia Herrick, 2nd Place Tie – Kathleen Callahan and Sue Ryan; First Flight: 1st Place Gross – Sandy Martin, 2nd Place 1st Net – Roxanne Nelson.
The results from our Derby, August 29th will be in next month’s newsletter. Dellwood will be the host club for the September Traveling Team play. Our ladies are holding their own as they move into the last match of the season with Town & Country, Midland Hills and North Oaks.
September will be kicked off with our Mercedes Ladies Shotgun, September 1st. Traveling Team event September 11th. The closer for the 9-hole league will be September 22nd and for the 18-hole league it will be September 24th. It’s been such a wonderful summer, and when I see the closers on my calendar I can’t help but think of how quickly it has gone by! Let’s cherish each moment we have in front of us over the next couple months and make the most of these last couple months on the course.
“Do your best, one shot at a time and then move on. Remember that golf is just a game.” – Nancy Lopez